Service-learning is the key programming strategy in the ISU Community Campus Partnership for Health. The advantage of service-learning is that it provides mutual benefits to both students and community partners. Students benefit from the opportunities to apply their knowledge and skill in real-world applications and to gain professional experience. Community partners, in turn, benefit from the expertise and passion of students working through their organizations.

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) serves as the campus hub for service-learning activities (Click the link to access the page). However, the ISU CCPH hub can help you get connected with community partners and help ensure that students and partners can be effectively connected. We serve as the campus hub for a powerful web-based tracking tool called GivePulse that can be used by community partners to post opportunities and by students to track their hours and record impact.  Click below to explore resources on service learning.

If you are interested in service learning, you may also be interested in the broader issues involved in community engagement. Through our affiliation with U-TuRN, we can facilitate connections with other campus leaders that are interested in community engagement initiatives. Visit the U-TuRN Enrollment Form to share your interests and to join the community engagement listserve to stay connected.